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Whether you're needing a video presented for your website or your social channels, I can present your script to camera professionally, drawing on my 10 years of experience. Working with you behind-the-scenes to ensure it is everything you wished for is a priority. Although my speciality is automotive videos, I can present an array of other topics, with the help of my videography contacts, who I can thoroughly recommend come on board as part of our team to work with us.

Flashback: 1973 Honda Civic
Berwick BMW: Welcome
Old v New: 60 Years of MINI
Lindsay Fox interview: Car-loving magnate's first big talk in years!
Pocket Rockets: 2017 Fiat 595 v 1970 Abarth 695 replica
Fusion Tinting: What to expect
Berwick BMW: Servicing
5 Things: 2019 Mini Cooper
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